The little church in the meadow in

Duck Creek Village, Utah.

Duck Creek Village area Photographer and Videographer Patrick Mahler took this beautiful footage of Duck Creek Community Church in Duck Creek Village, the lighting of the Christmas Tree in Duck Creek Village, and the Nativity co-sponsored by DCCC and the Alton Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The young people who staged the Nativity were from the Alton Ward and live goats in a nearby pen, also from Alton, added to the realism. The mountain is a beautiful place full of the Christmas Spirit as we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Savior!

Please visit the December services and sermons tab for the Christmas Eve Sermon by Pastor Steve Baden as well as other snapshots of the Nativity Felt Board activity and special readings. The walk of the Lantern Lighters dressed in top hats and coats while singing "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" began the service with Silent Night being sung as the closing song by candlelight.


Western-themed fun, food, & fellowship honoring Pastor Steve

Snaphots of the cast of characters on October 13


Supporting community needs.

DCCC Alms gifted more than 100 small trees to senior centers in Cedar City so that they could be given to seniors at Christmas. Alms also raised $1200 through hosting a Hawaiian-themed lunch held on August 11, 2024, in the Fellowship Hall. Church members contributed various dishes, appetizers, and desserts. No one walked away hungry! Church goers donated $20 per person to enjoy this fabulous lunch. All monies raised help to support this year's projects benefitting seniors, families, and various worthwhile community charitable endeavors. The Alms project is led by DCCC Board member Cathy Riley and DCCC member and Sunday School Leader Pam Bugbee.

Please click "play" arrow to watch Stix.

Special music and a decorated church were featured at the DCCC Thanksgiving Service.

Welcome Pastor Steve Baden

Duck Creek Community Church is  pleased to welcome Pastor Steve Baden as the Pastor of Duck Creek Community Church. Steve was preaching at Duck Creek Community Church, filling in as needed for several years before becoming our full-time Pastor.  We are so blessed. He is highly regarded and loved by church members; his service to our church body is a blessing for all. His lovely wife Roddie passed into our Savior's loving arms in 2023. Roddie was dearly loved by all, always contributing beyone measure to the congregation and church life. Pastor Steve may be reached at 435-590-7362.

In fulfilling his role as DCCC spiritual leader, Pastor Steve stated, “We pray every day that God will bless my efforts in this ministry - that we will please Him, bring  glory to His most wonderful name,  and that all all of us will be moved closer to Him and our Savior Jesus Christ throughout life's journey.”

By way of a brief history, Pastor Seve was raised in the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod, in Orange, California.   He attended parochial schools throughout his childhood. After attending Concordia Teacher's College (now Concordia University) in Nebraska, he joined the Navy in 1968 during the Vietnam conflict. After being discharged in 1972, he went to work in the airline industry.

In 1988, while managing Hawaiian Airlines in Las Vegas, he and Roddie fell in love with Southern Utah. They moved to Brian Head where he was employed at the Brian Head Hotel (now Cedar Breaks Lodge) as their Sales and Marketing Director.  In 1991, he accepted a promotion to the resort's Director of Sales and Marketing, which included skiing and lodging.  He later managed Copper Chase Condominiums; in which capacity the couple obtained real estate licenses and built a company (Premier Accommodations & Management) to handle Copper Chase property management and rentals.  After obtaining a broker's license, he and Roddie opened a Century 21 office at the resort.

In 2000, Pastor Steve experienced a series of callings to ministry.  He and Roddie joined the newly-formed Parowan United Methodist Church, where Reverend Doug Harrell mentored Pastor Steve and encouraged him to pursue ministry.   He served the church as a Lay Speaker, then an Advanced Lay Speaker, then Certified Lay Minister. 

In the early years of 2000, Pastor Steve completed the church's requirements, which included various psychological evaluations and interviews, and completed his pastoral training at Claremont School of Theology in Southern California.  After returning from Claremont, he was assigned as the Pastor to the Cedar City United Methodist Church, and as an Associate Pastor to the Parowan United Methodist Church.

 In 2011, Pastor Steve formed Light of the Valley Fellowship Church, where he and Roddie both loved serving. Pastor Steve still serves today, volunteering his time to minister to the needs of shut-in senior citizens, who enjoy a full service with hymns, message, and readings. A large part of this ministry is helping the elderly residents prepare for their final reward in Heaven.

Pastor Steve loves the opportunity to bring the message of our Savior’s gift of salvation and God’s love to Duck Creek Community Church - available to everyone.   He believes it is the duty of every pastor to explain Scripture, and to give a message which the congregation can relate to and apply to their daily lives. His sermons are characterized by a little humor and lessons that help those listening to understand the teachings of Christ and to apply them to daily life. Pastor Steve’s sincere desire is to move us all closer to a loving God, through his Son Jesus Christ.

Dress is casual mountain attire and we welcome visitors!  DCCC welcomes everyone to come humbly before God and, as described in Isaiah 61:10,  leave clothed "... with the garments of salvation." We hope you can join us to worship when you visit Cedar Mountain.  


Timothy Baden

14.11.2018 23:21

Cousin Steve has always held the needs and lives of others to heart and provided love, advice and understanding to everyone he met. It comes as no surprise that he would take on the needs there.

Latest comments

18.07 | 23:18

Thank you, Sharon! See you soon!

18.07 | 22:38

I will bring a crab salad for the picnic

01.06 | 23:26

Pastor Baden’s Memorial Day sermon was one of the best sermons I’ve heard in my entire life! Wish I was there to hear it. I hope those who were there appreciate his message. God Bless Pastor Baden.

27.02 | 14:13

Hi Chris: Church doors are open and we are holding in-person services every Sunday 11-noon with Fellowship following services. We look forward to seeing you soon!