The little church in the meadow in

Duck Creek Village, Utah.

Duck Creek Village area Photographer and Videographer Patrick Mahler took this beautiful footage of Duck Creek Community Church in Duck Creek Village, the lighting of the Christmas Tree in Duck Creek Village, and the Nativity co-sponsored by DCCC and the Alton Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The young people who staged the Nativity were from the Alton Ward and live goats in a nearby pen, also from Alton, added to the realism. The mountain is a beautiful place full of the Christmas Spirit as we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Savior!

Please visit the December services and sermons tab for the Christmas Eve Sermon by Pastor Steve Baden as well as other snapshots of the Nativity Felt Board activity and special readings. The walk of the Lantern Lighters dressed in top hats and coats while singing "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" began the service with Silent Night being sung as the closing song by candlelight.


Western-themed fun, food, & fellowship honoring Pastor Steve

Snaphots of the cast of characters on October 13


Supporting community needs.

DCCC Alms gifted more than 100 small trees to senior centers in Cedar City so that they could be given to seniors at Christmas. Alms also raised $1200 through hosting a Hawaiian-themed lunch held on August 11, 2024, in the Fellowship Hall. Church members contributed various dishes, appetizers, and desserts. No one walked away hungry! Church goers donated $20 per person to enjoy this fabulous lunch. All monies raised help to support this year's projects benefitting seniors, families, and various worthwhile community charitable endeavors. The Alms project is led by DCCC Board member Cathy Riley and DCCC member and Sunday School Leader Pam Bugbee.

Please click "play" arrow to watch Stix.

Special music and a decorated church were featured at the DCCC Thanksgiving Service.

MISSIONS 2023: Missionary Robin Harter, founder of Signs of Love, gives an update on the work being done and accomplished with teaching sign language and the gospel to the language deprived in developing nations. This update on the "Signs of Love" story touched the hearts of those in attendance. DCCC supports the important work of Robin and this mission. Visit for more information. 


Latest comments

Missions leaders Cathy Hackbart and Carol Gagliardi reported to the DCCC Board of Directors on June 5 that Missions is up and running serving the needs of surrounding counties and communities this year. Donations started May 5 and Missions is supplying immediate needs for Iron County Emergency Shelter with new bed linens plus towel and wash cloth sets, sweatpants suits for men and women, new undergarments and socks in various sizes and other basics for the men and women who use this shelter. 

18.07 | 23:18

Thank you, Sharon! See you soon!

18.07 | 22:38

I will bring a crab salad for the picnic

01.06 | 23:26

Pastor Baden’s Memorial Day sermon was one of the best sermons I’ve heard in my entire life! Wish I was there to hear it. I hope those who were there appreciate his message. God Bless Pastor Baden.

27.02 | 14:13

Hi Chris: Church doors are open and we are holding in-person services every Sunday 11-noon with Fellowship following services. We look forward to seeing you soon!


Giving continues to the Canyon Creek Women's Shelter. DCCC Missions is providing needed items of new sweatpants suits, towel sets, sippy cupts and bottles for children, plus bed sheets, pillow cases, about 50 kids' activity sets, books and crayons, as well as other essentials for women and children who utilize the shelter. Manicure gifts sets for women and kids' gift bags are currently being assembled to disseminate to women and families at the shelter.

Donations and wise shopping are enabling Missions to support Foster Care families and new arrivals of babies and children with toys, diapers, and back-to-school backpacks with goodies to help with academics. In addition, Christmas gifts for needy families are currently being assembled, as well as gifts of soft blankets for seniors at Brookdale and Christmas stockings for home-bound seniors. 

Signs of Love (an international mission led by Robin Harter that teaches Sign Language and the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the deaf) will receive support from Missions in 2022. 

Donations to the church earmarked for Alms may be sent in the form of personal checks or online through PayPal at the link in red below. Please note whether your gift is for Alms, charity work supporting local needs and projects, or whether your gift is for Missions, supporting spreading the Word of God and cultivating new disciples of Christ. Earmark the specified fund in the very top section that asks "What's the payment for" or in the notes sections of the Online Giving PayPal link. Please make checks payable to DCCC and note that the gift is for Alms or  Missions in the Memo of your check and mail via United States Postal Service to: HC 82 Box 1017 Duck Creek Village UT 84762-8200.   To donate through Paypal, simply click on the link below or paste it into your web browser should you wish to give to DCCC:

Missions Leader Carol
Missions Leader Carol
Missions Leader Cathy.
Missions Leader Cathy.
Supporting Project Hero
Supporting Project Hero

Alms Is Busy In 2021!! Your donations at work!

DCCC Alms is accepting ideas for 2023. In 2021, Alms supported Project Hero with a gift to support recovery, rehabiltation and intergrations services for injured veterans and first responders. November 6, 2021, also witnessed DCCC member Shannon Weldon riding her bike 65 miles to support Project Hero's Las Vegas Honor Ride. We are proud of Shannon!

DCCC once again assembled stockings for homebound seniors in Orderville, Glendale, Panguitch, and Cedar City areas. The stockings are being stuffed with both fun and useful items. The LDS Bishop in Alton/Glendale assisted with identifying seniors in need and supporting this project in various ways. We are "Coming together in Christ," to serve our communities most needy citizens.

Salvation Army and Signs of Love (an international mission led by Robin Harter that teaches Sign Language and the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the deaf) are worthwhile organizations also receiving support from Missions in 2021.

Cedar City At-Risk Hockey Team (Southern Utah Independent High School Hockey) will again receive support from DCCC Alms for equipment and other needs. The rink, formerly on Highway 14 at Wood's Ranch, moved to a new location in 2022: land that a generous donor  purchased in Cedar City. 

DCCC Missions supported at risk kids with gifts of hockey supplies.
Christmas dinners for families in need.
Christmas dinners for families in need.
Missionary Robin Harter.
Missionary Robin Harter.
Shannon Weldon & friend support Project Hero.
Shannon Weldon & friend support Project Hero.


Thank you to all church members and friends for gifts supporting the Christmas dinner project launched and completed in December 2020. Also thanks to Kerri and Davis Bonk of Martin's Deli in Duck Creek Village for contributing 100 pounds of potatoes for this project. Alms leaders Cathy Hackbart and Carol Gagliardi put together 11 Christmas dinners consisting of turkey, potatoes, dressing, gravy and other side dishes and delivered them to families in Alton, Glendale, and Cedar City. Children in the families also received wrapped Christmas gifts. We all know that COVID has been hard on working families this year so the gifts were much appreciated. Missions supported the Salvation Army and Kane and Iron Counties Care & Share. Signs of Love, founded by Missionary Robin Harter, received support to further this worthy non-profit organization's work of bringing language, love, and the Bible to deaf persons in the Honduras and Africa. Missions also donated to support the purchase of hockey equipment with a gift to Southern Utah Yeti Incorporated, a non-profit group supporting at-risk kids. Pictured above are kids practicing hockey at the newly built skating ring in Iron County.

Missions was busy in 2019

DCCC Missions supports a variety of worthwhile projects each year. Missionary Robin Harter, founder of Signs of Love, joined us at DCCC on January 5, 2019,  to speak about her amazing work as founder of and missionary with work in Honduras. Robin and the missionaries with Signs of Love bring Sign Language and the Gospel to the deaf. DCCC Missions also supported "Love Him Love Them" and their work in Haiti. This support was gifted in the memory of beloved Pastor Tom Jackson, whose wife Irene is a leader in the Love Him Love Them mission.

Support of "Love Him Love Them"
Support of "Love Him Love Them"
Donation to this mission in memory of Pastor Tom.
Donation to this mission in memory of Pastor Tom.
Irene Jackson works to help the needy in Haiti.
Irene Jackson works to help the needy in Haiti.
"Love Him Love Them" packs donations to Haiti.
"Love Him Love Them" packs donations to Haiti.



Great job! I have seen the hockey rink and it looks wonderful.

18.12.2020 16:40