Duck Creek Village area Photographer and Videographer Patrick Mahler took this beautiful footage of Duck Creek Community Church in Duck Creek Village, the lighting of the Christmas Tree in Duck Creek Village, and the Nativity co-sponsored by DCCC and the Alton Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The young people who staged the Nativity were from the Alton Ward and live goats in a nearby pen, also from Alton, added to the realism. The mountain is a beautiful place full of the Christmas Spirit as we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Savior!
Please visit the December services and sermons tab for the Christmas Eve Sermon by Pastor Steve Baden as well as other snapshots of the Nativity Felt Board activity and special readings. The walk of the Lantern Lighters dressed in top hats and coats while singing "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" began the service with Silent Night being sung as the closing song by candlelight.
Regular Sunday services, starting at 11 a.m., are broadcast live on 94.3 FM radio for the hearing impaired with headsets provided by the church. Ask the ushers for a headset if you are hearing impaired. This radio station is a small bandwidth but can be heard while sitting in your car from the church parking lot if you are sick or can not get to the service on time. Audios of messages dated from the last 30 days are posted by month and are listed in the upper right on smart phones or upper center menu of the website on computers.
The most recent Sunday sermon is posted by Monday at noon unless there is a technology glitch. Please see the "DCCC Online Giving" link at the bottom here or the "Online Giving" web page if you wish to make an online donation.
DCCC services are weekly on Sundays at 11 a.m. and feature a wonderful live sermon by Pastor Steve Baden, along with contemporary worship songs. When church doors are open, the congregation enjoys singing hymns on the third Sunday monthly for Holy Communion. Dress is casual mountain attire and we welcome visitors! DCCC welcomes everyone to come humbly before God and, as described in Isaiah 61:10, leave clothed "... with the garments of salvation." We hope you can join us to worship when you visit Cedar Mountain.
Most recent sermons are on the top menu bar. Select the month for the sermons. Click on the title and date for the sermon. Wait for the "play" arrow to appear without a line through it. Then push the play button and enjoy the audio of Pastor Steve's wonderful sermons.
Thank you for listening.
Latest comments
Pastor Baden’s Memorial Day sermon was one of the best sermons I’ve heard in my entire life! Wish I was there to hear it. I hope those who were there appreciate his message. God Bless Pastor Baden.
Eli Fralick
Pastor Baden’s Memorial Day sermon was one of the best sermons I’ve heard in my entire life! Wish I was there to hear it. I hope those who were there appreciate his message. God Bless Pastor Baden.
Bonnie Altig passed away yesterday (07/23/21). Bonnie and Steve, along with the community built this Church. She loved this Church very much. It will always be a part of her story. Laurel
I have a cabin across from the meadow. I can see your church from my cabin. I have been interested in attending when I get a chance to get up there. I'm in Las Vegas.
Sheryl Pectol
Hi Sheryl:
Our church doors are open and we would love to get a chance to welcome you. Please do come and introduce yourself. Dress is casual. Services start at 11 with refreshments after the service. Laurel
Donations to the church may be sent in the form of personal checks or online through Paypal at the link in red below. Please make checks payable to DCCC and mail via United States Postal Service to: HC 82 Box 1017 Duck Creek Village UT 84762-8200. To donate through Paypal, simply click on the link below or paste it into your web browser should you wish to give to DCCC: